Tag: japanese

  • 日文單字 (二)

    建物(たてもの) – jisho Noun 1. building 曲(ま)がる – jisho Godan verb with ru ending, intransitive verb 1. to bend; to curve; to warp; to wind; to twist 風(かぜ)に吹(ふ)かれて木(き)が曲(ま)がった。The tree bent in the wind. 2. to turn  See also 折れる おれる 3. to be awry; to be askew; to be crooked​ ネクタイが 曲がってるよ。Your tie is crooked. 側(そば) – jisho Noun 1. near; close; beside;…

  • 日文單字 (一)

    汚(きたな)い – jisho 1. dirty; filthy; foul; unclean​ 2. disordered; messy; untidy; poor (e.g. handwriting)​ 3. indecent (language, etc.); dirty; vulgar; coarse​ 4. dastardly; mean; base; underhanded​ 5. stingy; greedy​ I-adjective Affirmative Negative Non-past 汚い 汚くない Past 汚かった 汚くなかった   昼(ひる) (Noun)- jisho 1. noon; midday  See also 御昼 2. daytime  Only applies to 昼, Only applies to 晝, See also 御昼 3. lunch  Only applies to 昼, Only…