This was my first time traveling in an actively snowing region, and I learned some important lessons that should help other subtropical or tropical folks:
- Yes, trains will be affected – either the rails need to be cleared of snow, or train malfunctions could occur, both leading to delays or service suspensions.
- In the worst case, your train could be suspended in the middle of nowhere, forcing you to quickly devise alternative transportation – whether by bus, taxi, or walking.
- When it’s snowing, road traffic will be congested, as everyone drives carefully and slowly.
- Which means a 45-minute scheduled bus ride could take 1 hour and 45 minutes.
- Your airplane has a higher chance of not being on time.
- Even if the airplane is on time, it could be stuck on the de-icing pad for more than an hour.
- Even after your airplane leaves the de-icing pad, it could return due to prior traffic and need another round of de-icing.
TL;DR: Leave earlier and allow for more buffer time.
- 是的,列車一定會受影響 – 不是鐵軌需要除雪,就是列車可能發生故障,這兩種情況都會導致誤點或停駛。
- 最糟的情況是,你的列車可能會停在荒郊野外,你必須迅速想出替代方案 – 無論是搭巴士、計程車,或步行。
- 下雪時,道路交通一定會壅塞,因為駕駛會開的更小心跟慢。
- 原本預計45分鐘的公車車程可能會花上1小時45分鐘。
- 你搭乘的飛機很可能會誤點。
- 就算飛機準點,它可能會在除冰區停留超過一小時。
- 即使飛機已經離開除冰區,由於先前的航班積壓,它可能還得返回除冰區重新除冰。
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