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Fix Microsoft Outlook OneNote Feed cannot load from the account




What Happened?

I synced my Samsung Notes to my Microsoft account and I want to access my notes on web. But the Microsoft account that I have is on a Gmail domain, which I cannot load my notes from Outlook.com OneNote Feed, it shows the following response from the API endpoint https://substrate.office.com/NotesFabric/api/v2.0/me/notes:

  Response: {
    "error": {
        "code": "ServiceUnavailable",
        "innerError": {
            "response": "{\"error\":{\"code\":\"MailboxInfoStale\",\"message\":\"Target resource '00000000-fabd-7c4f-0000-000000000000' hosted on database 'a0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' is currently on backend 'Unknown'\"}}",
            "statusCode": 503

So, the icon was always loading, and my notes are not show up from the dialog.

The Reason of This Issue

Because Microsoft assigned another Outlook domain for other domain name account, mine is something like [email protected], I am guessing this restricted my account to access to my Gmail account OneNote Feed.

I cross-checked with my other Microsoft account, and it seems the assumption is correct, that account can load OneNote Feed without any problem.

How to Fix It?

The way to fix it is fairly simple, add a new Outlook email address as alias, then login and logout by that new Outlook email will fix this issue.

To add an Outlook email alias, login to you account on outlook.com, click the circle account icon at the right top bar, click My Microsoft account.

Click Your info at the top navigation bar, and scroll down to Account info, click Edit account info, and you will see Account aliases.

Click Add email and select Create a new email address and add it as an alias, type in your new Outlook email alias and click Add alias.

Vola! Logout your account and login to Outlook.com again, make sure that the account name be the Outlook email alias you typed in, and you should load the OneNote Feed without problem.


I hope this post would help you, and as a reminder, you an also change your Apple account email if you need.


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