Category: Photo

  • m43 相機一週年鏡頭使用統計

    m43 相機一週年鏡頭使用統計

    統計方法 透過 Darktable 整合照片中的鏡頭資訊後製圖。 我們運用時間序列圖來呈現一年內各種 m43 相機鏡頭的使用情況。橫軸代表拍攝日期,縱軸則分為不同列,每列代表一種鏡頭。圖表中的每條線代表一種不同的鏡頭,線條的高低變化顯示該鏡頭在不同時間點的拍攝的照片張數。這裡我們計算了每個鏡頭的 7 天移動平均拍攝照片數,以平滑日常波動並突顯長期趨勢選擇這種方法是因為它能同時展示各鏡頭的使用趨勢、方便比較不同鏡頭的使用情況,並透過對數尺度突顯低使用量但有出勤的時刻。紅線代表累計照片張數 鏡頭使用分析 M.Zuiko ED 12-100mm F4.0 IS PRO | Olympus 只使用了八次……。最讓我驚訝的是 12-100mm 的出勤率,在購入前我認為他會佔掉所有其他鏡頭的使用率,但最後因為他的重量/長度完全不適合日常使用,平時根本不會拿出來,只有在旅遊或是天氣差又想要長焦段的時候會使用。 M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm F2.8 PRO | Olympus 備用主力鏡頭。第一隻鏡頭,但是在購入其他定焦鏡頭後,也出現如 12-100mm 的問題 (重量/長度) 不適合日常使用或街拍,變成只有雨天或陰天會拿出來使用,壞天氣時用來 cover 9mm/20mm/75mm。 M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm F1.8 | Olympus 主力鏡頭。獨特的焦段帶來富有魅力的取景。當時挑戰只用這個鏡頭連續拍攝 1000 張後,一試成主顧,腦中直覺已經鍛鍊出 75mm 取景要退到多遠的能力。 LUMIX G Series 20mm F1.7 ASPH Lens…

  • 2024 年了,攝影新手該買 m43 相機嗎?

    文章前提 都 2024 年了,為什麼要選 m43? 1. 平易近人的二手市場 在 m43 的二手市場,不論是相機機體或鏡頭都非常的實惠且平易近人。目前我持有三個機體跟七顆鏡頭,也不過花了不到 $2800 美金。機體花了 $430,鏡頭花了 $2310 美金 (二手 5 顆 $1560,新品 2 顆 $690)。 這讓入門門檻降低許多,一套二手 Olympus E-M5ii + Panasonic 20mm/1.7 只要不到 10k 就能開始創作了。 2. 多元的鏡頭選擇 整體而言,m43 的鏡頭選擇多元,變焦/定焦/長焦/微距都有很多選擇。加上第一點二手市場的狀況,讓新手想要玩一遍全部的焦段都不是問題。 3. 輕巧與便攜 整體的輕便可以增加想要帶出相機拍照的機率! m43 的輕巧與便攜,除了體現在機體上外,更重要的是鏡頭!鏡頭!鏡頭! 沒錯,高階機體在大小或重量上,可能跟其他片幅差不多,但是鏡頭就差了非常多。在 m43 上,我可以在一個普通後背包內只花一半的空間,輕便的裝下從 9mm 到 300mm 焦距總共 4 顆鏡頭 (9mm/f1.7, 20mm/f1.7, 75mm/f1.8, 75-300mm/f4.8-6.7) 加上兩個機體,背上ㄧ整天都不是問題! 4.…

  • Taiwan MRT Systems Arrival Time Estimation Indicator (Taipei MRT is the worst of the worst)

    Taiwan MRT Systems Arrival Time Estimation Indicator (Taipei MRT is the worst of the worst)

    The Taipei MRT has the worst arrival time estimation indicator among the Taiwan MRT systems. I initially failed to interpret the next arrival time and got confused for more than 3 minutes trying to figure out how it works. Why did the indicator fail to deliver as it should? It aimed to provide a more…

  • 獨裁者蔣中正的中正廟 – Dictator Chiang Kai-shek and his Chiang Kai-shek Temple

    獨裁者蔣中正的中正廟 – Dictator Chiang Kai-shek and his Chiang Kai-shek Temple

    Photo of dictator Chiang Kai-shek and his Chiang Kai-shek Temple (Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall). 中正廟 (中正紀念堂) 相片集。 The photos should strictly present in the above order. 黨國不分 – No Distinction Between Dang Guo (Party-State) Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall – What we called “CKS Temple” (中正廟) is another example of how dictator leeched Taiwanese people during…

  • Tamsui, Taiwan – 1

    Tamsui, Taiwan – 1

    Photo Collection of the trip to Tamsui, Taiwan, Winter 2023. 淡水照片集,於 2023 年冬季。 ISO 9001 Certified Former British Consulate Residence in Tamsui, Fort San Domingo, Tamsui, Taiwan. OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP. E-M5MarkII, Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm F2.8 Pro at 12.0 mm, f/2.8 at 1/15 at ISO 1600, darktable 4.4.2. ISO 9001 Certified Former British Consulate…

  • 獨裁者蔣中正的日月潭慈恩塔 – Dictator Chiang Kai-shek and his Sun Moon Lake Ci’en Pagoda

    獨裁者蔣中正的日月潭慈恩塔 – Dictator Chiang Kai-shek and his Sun Moon Lake Ci’en Pagoda

    Photo of Sun Moon Lake Ci’en Pagoda. 日月潭慈恩塔相片。 Dictator Chiang Kai-shek Leeched Taiwanese Taxpayers’ Money To Memorialize His Mother. When you visit this attraction, you don’t need to pray for dictator’s mother, and you don’t need to maintain a spirit of gratitude and reverence to a dictator. It is the same that you would not…

  • 死亡擱淺_高美溼地 – Death Stranding Gaomei Wetlands

    死亡擱淺_高美溼地 – Death Stranding Gaomei Wetlands

    Photo Collection of Gaomei Wetlands, Winter 2023. 高美溼地相片集,於 2023 年冬季。

  • Singapore – 1

    Singapore – 1

    Photo Collection of the trip to Singapore, Winter 2023. 新加坡照片集,於 2023 年冬季。 One Two Three Four Five Glitch Generally, I feel safe during my trip to Singapore, but a glitch keeps bothering me as I stroll around the city. I realized that the glitch arises from the imbalance in surveillance systems and checkpoints in SMRT…

  • My First Camera – Olympus E-M1 Mark II

    My First Camera – Olympus E-M1 Mark II

    I have been shooting in RAW on my phone for a long time, and I feel those photos are good enough after being developed by Lightroom or Instagram. However, my trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway made me imagine how much more detail and freedom in development there could be if those photos were taken…

  • Narrow View of 75mm

    Narrow View of 75mm

    Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 75mm F1.8 is an interesting lens with 75mm focal length (equivalent to 150mm), which gives a narrow view on the street. People often said this lens is “specialized” – a beautify word of “limited” – in certain usages because of its focal length, but I think it provide a unique, narrowed…